Our research team is currently looking for interested colleagues to possibly work/research together as *postdoctoral fellows* in STEM or any of the STEM related disciplines or digital-technologies applications.
Our research team is guided by a number of objectives, but not exclusively to:
1. exploring the mathematics/STEM connections with cognitive skills (spatial visualisation, spatial perceptions, mental rotations, attention, memory, information processing, retention etc.) in order to apply and enhance numerical/computational decision making and thought processes as well as;
2. numerical cognitive enhancement through dynamic visual tools (i.e: machine learning, Geogebra, m-learning, MATLAB, JAWS, Blockchain, sketchpad, AI, VR, GIS and AR etc.).
Post-doctoral researchers, research fellows, and doctoral candidates - the Faculty of Education is currently recruiting highly motivated and qualified post-doctoral researchers, research fellows, and doctoral candidates in a number of areas: Neuro-cognitive mathematics (STEM); STEM cognitive enhancement via human-computer interaction; Predictive/mathematical modelling.
We are also accepting calls for special journal issues.
See the advert downloadble from this page for details.
Should you be interested in this proposition - kindly contact us as soon as possible.