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The Educators who will be involved in the project shall be leaders from various constituencies. These educators will, in turn, train others in their constituencies to impart the knowledge they would have acquired. Hence, the project has the potential to impact many Educators in the rural region of Eastern Cape in South Africa

Community engagement

  • A number of schools around Nelson Mandela University will be selected to participate in a program that is meant to help teachers to integrate adaptive technologies and applications into the classroom.
  • Conducting teachers’ workshops to equip them with methods and materials that can be used to integrate information communication technologies in STEM education.

Teaching activities

  • The postgraduates will assist in delivering lessons in relation to Computer Applications Technology in various schools we work with.

Research activities

  • To co-publish with postgraduate students. Helping postgraduate students to harvest papers from their studies and publish them in DHET accredited journals. This will help to equip them with skills needed for writing papers for publications and increase the research output of the university.
  • Organise workshops and assist both educators and postgraduate students to develop relevant research skills needed for their work.

Transformation Priorities

  • The Educators and their learners will be able to access mathematics (STEM) anytime anywhere, through the use of e-learning resources, like e-schools and other online learning resources. Educators will shift from traditional methods of teaching to learner-centred teaching methods. Furthermore, the project will promote interactive teaching and learning.