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Articles Published in peer reviewed journals

Walters, Doh Nubia, Blignaut, Sylvan, 2023. Rethinking curriculum implementation in the time of Covid-19 and beyond: lessons learnt from rural science teachers. Curriculum Perspectives. DOI:10.1007/s41297-00211-0
Amery, E., Winchester, I. and Blignaut, S. 2023. Teacher educator perspectives and practices of intercultural education in a Bachelor of Education Program in a South African University. Journal of Educational Thought, Vol 56 (2):163-184.
Sanni, K.T., Osiesi, M.P., Adeniran, S.A., Obaleru, O.T., Akomolafe, O.D., Dikko, B.O., Blignaut, Sylvan, Adekoya, A.F., Aruleba, A.L. & Fajobi, O.O., 2023. Evaluating university students’ perception of lecturers’ effectiveness in Southwest Nigeria. Journal of Higher Education Theory and Practice, Vol. 23 (12): 117-136.
Lungelo, J.Sali, Mensah Prince Osiesi & Sylvan Blignaut, 2023. Exploring learners’ sense of belonging in Port Elizabeth low-income primary schools in South Africa. Education 3-13: DOI:10.1080/03004279.2023.2233529.
P Osiesi Mensah1 | Kamorudeen T. Sanni1 | Sylvan Blignaut2 | Sunday A. Adeniran3 | Basirat O. Dikko4 | Olutoyin O. Fajobi1 | Adebolu F. Adekoya5 | Esther C. Udemba6 | Sikeade M. Adegboyega3, 2023.  Psychosocial factors as predictors of aggressive behaviors among primary school learners. Aggressive Behavior, Volume 49 (6): 602 -615. DOI:10.1002/ab.22098.
K.T. Sanni, M.P. Osiesi, S.A. Adeniran, Sylvan Blignaut, O.T. Obateru, O.D. Akomolafe, A.O. Olawole. 2023.  Influence of Gender and Students’ Personal Variables on Academic Achievement among Undergraduates: Implications for University Management.  Malaysian Online Journal of Educational Management, 11 (2): 18-31. 
Nxele, J.Z., Blignaut, Sylvan, Makura, A. 2023. Strategies that a staff development team can use to develop teachers in junior secondary schools. Ponte Journal, Vol 79, 8(1). DOI: 10.21506/j.ponte.2023.8.6
Simmonds, S., Blignaut, S., Du Preez, P., Le Grange, L.L., Maistry, S.M., Ramrathan, L. &. Reddy, C. 2023. Continuing Professional Development in the context of a neoliberal higher education space. In N. Chitanand and S. Rathilal (eds.), Academic Staff Development: Disruptions, Complexities, Change (Envisioning new Futures). African Sun Media. Pp. 67-90.
Ndlovu, L., Bayaga, A. and Blignaut, S. 2023. Acceptance of Job Access with Speech (Jaws) as an Assistive Computer Application. In Idrissi, A. (eds) Modern Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1102. Springer, Cham.

Blignaut, S., Pheiffer, G., Visser, A., Le grange, L., Maistry, S., Ramrathan, L. and Simmonds, S. 2022. Belonging, Wellbeing and Stress with Online Learning during Covid-19. South African Journal of Higher Education, 36 (6): 169-191.

Doh Nubia, W. & Blignaut, Sylvan, 2022. Access to doctoral education in an era of diverse modes of knowledge production: a regulatory understanding of quality assurance. Quality in Higher Education.

Edziwa,z. & Blignaut, S. 2022. Graduate employability skills: The voice of Agricultural Technical Vocational Education and Training (ATVET) students in Zimbabwe. South African Journal of Higher Education, 36 (2): 99-114.
Le Grange, L., Simmonds, S., Maistry, S., Blignaut, S. and Ramrathan, L. 2022. Assessment and Social Justice: Invigorating lines of articulation and lines of flight. Journal of Education, 87:24-47.
Amery, E., Blignaut, S. & Winchester, I. 2022. The role of Intercultural Education in a Bachelor of Education Program at Nelson Mandela University in South Africa. Interchange,
Bayaga, A., Lekena, L.L., Selepe, A., du Plessis, A., Blignaut, S. and Morar, T. 2022. Academic, social and economic experiences of first-year students: Case Study. South African Journal of Higher Education, 36 (2): 5-21.
Maistry, S., Blignaut, S., Du Preez, P., Le Grange, L., Ramrathan, P. & Simmonds, S. 2021. Towards a counter-narrative: Why dissent/agonism might have appeal in a neoliberal higher education space. Alternation, 28 (2): 211-237.
Sylvan Blignaut, Gary Pheiffer, Lesley Le Grange, Suriamurthee Maistry, Labby Ramrathan, Shan Simmonds & Anja Visser, 2021. Engendering a Sense of Belonging to Support Student Well-Being during COVID-19: A Focus on Sustainable Development Goals 3 and 4. Sustainability, 13, 12944 
Blignaut, S.E. 2021: Reimaging schools for improved learner performance. In L. Ramrathan, D. Pillay & I. Naicker (Eds.), Working between the folds: School leaders’ reimagining school life. Nova Science Publishers. Pp. 65-83.
Sathorar, H. & Blignaut, S. 2021. A critical approach to curriculum implementation: Reflecting on lecturer preparedness to be transformative intellectuals. Interchange: A Quarterly Review of Education, 52(3): 415-431.
Bayaga, A., Bosse, M., Sevier, J., Fountain, C., Williams, D., Bosire, S. & Blignaut, S. 2021. University Faculty Opinions of Preservice Teachers’ Technological Readiness. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technological Education.
Blignaut, S. 2021. Transforming the curriculum for the unique challenges faced by South Africa. Curriculum Perspectives. (41, 27-34).
Le Grange, L., Du Preez, P., Ramrathan, L. and Blignaut, S. 2020. Decolonising the university curriculum or decolonial-washing?. Journal of Education. Journal of Education, Issue 80, 25-48.
Blignaut, S. and Koopman, O. 2020. Towards an embodied critical pedagogy of discomfort as a decolonising teaching strategy. Alternation Special Edition, 31:81-96. 
Du Plessis, A. and Blignaut, S. 2020. An offline-online Information and Communication Technology (ICT) teaching and learning strategy in the Age of COVID-19 and beyond. In N. Ndimande-Hlongwa, L. Ramrathan, N. Mkhize & J.A Smit (Eds.), Technology-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during the Time of COVID-19 (92-119). CSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd.
Sibanda, S and Blignaut S. 2020. Implementing a new History curriculum: The Zimbabwean experience. Curriculum Perspectives. Published online: 24 March 2020.
Mswazie, J.and Blignaut S. 2019. Developing teacher competencies through the Open and Distance Learning Approach in Zimbabwe, South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(3): 65-80.
Musingarabwi, S. and Blignaut S. 2018. Teacher views of the implementation of the HIV/AIDS curriculum in Zimbabwean primary schools. Southern African Review of Education, 24(1): 58-73.
Gobingca, B.Z, Athiemoolam, L and Blignaut, S.E. 2017. Teachers’ perceptions of the factors affecting the implementation of the national curriculum statement. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 18 (1-3), 191-199.
Mangwaya, E., Blignaut,S and Pillay, S. 2016. The readiness of schools in Zimbabwe for the implementation of early childhood education. South African Journal of Education, 36(1): 1-8.
Musingarabwi, S. and Blignaut, S. 2015. Theorising the implementation of the HIV/AIDS curriculum in Zimbabwe. Journal of Curriculum Studies, 47(1): 122-140.
Blignaut, S. 2014.   Curriculum policy and pedagogic practice in a South African classroom: A Bernsteinian analysis. International Journal of Educational Sciences, 6(3): 395-406.
Blignaut, S. 2014.  Reflections on student resistance to a constructivist curriculum. Education as Change, 18(2): 271-283.
Ambross, J., Meiring, L., Blignaut, S. 2014.  The implementation and development of science process skills in the natural sciences: A case study of teachers’ perceptions. Africa Education Review, 11(3): 459-474.
Mangwaya, E., Blignaut, S. E., Pillay, K. 2013.  Implementing early childhood education in a rural primary school in the Gweru district of Zimbabwe: A view from the school head.  Educational Research, 4(5): 452-459.
Jeko, I., Mangwaya, E., & Blignaut, S. 2012.  Challenges of obtaining standard informed consent in non-Western contexts: Reflections on fieldwork experiences in Zimbabwe. Acta Academica 44 (4): 184 – 201. 
Blignaut, S. 2011. The role of cognition in teaching and learning: A case study. Africa Education Review, 8 (2): 355-371.
Blignaut, S., Mokwinski, B., Paechter, M., Rebmann, K & Sulimma, M. 2010. Überzeugungen zu Wissen und Lernen bei Deutsche und Südafrikanischen Lehramtsstudierenden. Berufsbildung Heft, (123): 45-48.
Blignaut, S. 2009. The intended curriculum and the enacted curriculum: Tracing the trajectory of an enduring problem. Acta Academica 41(3): 86-106. 
Blignaut, S. 2009. A biographical study of a South African teacher and his interpretation of curriculum policy. Journal of Educational Studies, 8 (1): 71-91.
Blignaut, S. 2008. Teachers’ sense-making and enactment of curriculum policy. Journal of Education, 43: 101-125.
Blignaut, S.  2007. The policy-practice dichotomy: Can we straddle the divide? Perspectives in Education, 25 (4): 49-61. 
Blignaut, S. 2001. A response to Wally Morrow’s “Scripture and Practices” Perspectives in Education, 19(2): 163-165. 
Blignaut, S. 2001. Reflecting on the Matric Results of 2001. Perspectives in Education, 19(2): 167-168. 
Book Published
Blignaut, S. 2009. Teachers’ interpretation and enactment of curriculum policy: The role of teacher epistemologies. Saarbrücken, VDM Publishing House Ltd. ISBN 978-3-639-15159-6.
Book Chapters published
Blignaut, S. 2013.  Teaching for social justice in South African universities. In G. de Wet (Ed.), Beyond the Apartheid University: Critical voices on transformation in the university sector, pp 36-51.
Manyumwa, C. and Blignaut, S. 2017. Critical thinking and critical pedagogy in education. In L. Ramrathan, L. le Grange and Higgs, P (eds). Education Studies for Initial Teacher Development. Cape Town: Juta. pp. 255-281. 
Nubia, W. D., & Blignaut, S. (2022). Access to doctoral education in an era of diverse modes of knowledge production: a regulatory understanding of quality assurance. Quality in Higher Education, 1-17.
International conference proceedings published
A comparative study of epistemological beliefs between German and South African higher education students.  In: Learning in higher education – how style matters. Proceedings of 14th annual conference of the European Learning Styles Information Network.  Charlesworth, Z.M, Evans, C. & Cools, E. (Eds). 17-19 June 2009  Bulle-en-Gruyère, Switzerland. ISBN 978-80-7399-782-3.
Language as a medium to teach for social change.  In Nepal English Language Teachers’ Association conference proceedings that was held during the 17th International Conference: “Beyond the Binaries: Sharing ELT Practices and Creating the Future”. Jai Raj Awasthi (Ed). 18-20 February 2012 Kathmandu, Nepal. ISSN 2091-0487.
Conference Papers Presented 
Presented at 48 international and local conferences
Supervised 8 PhD students and 7 M Ed students to completion.
Theses and dissertations examined
Examined 22 PhD and M Ed theses
Publications: 38
Research Outputs 2024
  1. Le Grange, L., Du Preez, P., Maistry, S.M., Simmonds, S., Blignaut, S., Ramrathan, L., Reddy, C. 2024. The becoming of a Curriculum Studies Special Interest Group: Reactive, interactive and intra-active complicated conversations. Journal of Education, Issue 94.
  2. Le Grange, L., Du Preez, P., Maistry, S.M., Simmonds, S., Blignaut, S., Ramrathan, L., Reddy, C. 2024. Let the conversations continue. Let the conversations continue. A rejoinder to the review “The quest for magnanimity: Tensions and paradoxes”. Journal of Education, Issue 94.
  3. Osiesi, M. P.; Adegboyega, S. M., Fadiya, A.A., & Blignaut, S. (2024). Assessment of Entrepreneurial Digital Skills, Knowledge, and Use among Business Education Undergraduates in the Federal University Oye-Ekiti, Nigeria. Journal of African Education, 5 (1), 267-286.
  4. Azeez, F. A., Osiesi, M. P., Aribamikan, C.G., Doh Nubia, W., Odinko, M.N., Blignaut, S., Falebita, O.F., Olubodun, O. A., & Oderinwale, T.A. 2024. Exclusion of the Female Child from Primary Education: Exploring the Perceptions and Experiences of Female Learners in Northern Nigeria. Education 3-13.

Book Chapter

  1. Blignaut, S. (2024). An Autoethnographic Account of Why an ‘Ethics of Care’ Matters.   In Ramrathan, L., Maistry, S., Blignaut, S. (eds) Critical Reflections on Teacher Education in South Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.

 Edited Book

 Labby Ramrathan, Suriamurthee Maistry, Blignaut, Sylvan 2024 (Eds). Critical Reflections on Teacher Education in South Africa. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham. Springer Nature Switzerland. ISBN 3031580893, 97 8-3-031-58089-5.


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Doh Nubia, W. & Blignaut, Sylvan, 2022. Access to doctoral education in an era of diverse modes of knowledge production: a regulatory understanding of quality assurance. Quality in Higher Education.