Anass Bayaga is a Neuro-cognitive STEM Enhancement and Human-Computer Interface Professor at Nelson Mandela University's Faculty of Education. Formerly member of several professional organizations, including the Association for Information Systems Southern African Chapter (AISSAC), the Association for Mathematics Education of South Africa (AMESA), and the Mixed Methods International Research Association (MMIRA). Anass also serves as a national board member for the African Perspectives of Research in Teaching and Learning journal and is a guest editor for both local and international journals, such as the South African Journal of Higher Education, Mathematics and Education Sciences.
Anass has extensive experience in peer review and evaluator for the council on higher education (CHE) and served as an independent reviewer for the Academy of Science of South Africa (ASSAf) of DHET accredited journals. He is currently an editorial board member of the International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning. Anass has conducted multi-disciplinary research in actuarial science, mathematics and statistics cognition, information systems, and privacy in cyberspace across several institutions, including Umea University- Sweden, Michigan State University, and Appalachian State University- USA. He was also a Fulbright researcher at the George Washington University, where he researched cognitive enhancement via mobile computing and applications in STEM, which is one of his research group's niches.
Neuro-cognitive mathematics (STEM)
Mathematics and computational cognition
STEM cognition
Cognitive computing and modelling
STEM cognitive enhancement via human-computer interaction
Metaverse-powered Smart STEM Education in the Industry 4.0
Mobile-computing (M-learning or E-learning)
Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Digital Education
Virtual learning environments (VLEs) (OEPs & OERs)
Computer-based assessment for learning (CABfL)
Application of bio-sensing technologies for teaching and learning
Digital technology applications (Sketchpad, GIS, SmartPLS, MATLAB, Geogebra, Blockchain, JAWS, VR,AR, MR, Metaverse, IoT, Robotics).
Information security in e-learning (m-learning) platforms
Predictive/mathematical modelling
Actuarial analysis and modelling (AMOS and Basys)
Stochastic partial differential equations & modelling (Matlab)
1. Vimbelo, S., and A. Bayaga. (2023). “Current Pedagogical Practices Employed by Technical Vocational Education and Training college’s Mathematics Lecturers. South African Journal of Higher Education 37 (4), 305-21.
2. Tsamago, H., & Bayaga, A. (2023). The effect of self-organized learning environments (SOLEs) pedagogy on the different aspects of learners' metacognitive skills in the Physical Sciences classroom. Heliyon, 9(10), e20896.
3. Vimbelo, S. & Bayaga, A. (2023). Humanising Pedagogy in Mathematics Education at South African Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Colleges: Influence on TVET Teaching and Learning. International Journal of Learning Teaching and Educational Research 22(9):633-655 DOI:10.26803/ijlter.22.9.34
4. Bayaga, A & Morar T. (2023). Assistive Computer Application Software, a Tool for Enhancing Mathematics Cognition. (2023). Journal of Namibian Studies , 2226-2241,
5. Bayaga, A & Andre’ Duplessis (2023). Ramifications of the Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology (UTAUT) among developing countries’ higher education staffs. Education and Information Technologies. DOI:10.1007/s10639-023-12194-6
6. Tsamago, H., & Bayaga, A. (2023). Self-organized learning environments (SOLEs) pedagogy as a conduit to learners’ metacognitive skills and conceptual understanding of “S” in STEM: The South African study. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 11(3), 533-555.
7. Bayaga, A. (2023, June). Utilizing PLS-SEM in Archival Research: Considerations, Implications, and Practical Guidance. In 8th North America Conference on Industrial Engineering and Operations Management ,
8. Bayaga, A. (2023). Open Educational Resources/Practices (OER/P) in the era of a pandemic: Lessons for Developing Countries. In P. Abooki (Ed.), Quality Assessment and Enhancement in Higher Education in Africa (pp. xx-xx). Routledge. 605 Third Avenue, New York, NY 10158.
9. Bayaga, A. (2023). Pre-Service Teachers' Cognition of STEM via 4IR Cognitive Principles. In G. Bansal & U. Ramnarain (Eds.), Fostering Science Teaching and Learning for the Fourth Industrial Revolution and Beyond (pp. 234-250). IGI Global.
10. Ndlovu, L., Bayaga, A. and Blignaut, S. (2023). Acceptance of Job Access with Speech (Jaws) as an Assistive Computer Application. In Idrissi, A. (eds) Modern Artificial Intelligence and Data Science. Studies in Computational Intelligence, vol 1102. Springer, Cham.
11. Bayaga, A. (2023). Open Educational Resources/Practices (OER/P) in the era of a pandemic: Lessons for Developing Countries in developing country Ed. Peter Abooki. Quality Assessment and Enhancement in Higher Education in Africa (1st ed.). Routledge, Also see details of book (
12. Bayaga, A. (2022). Ramifications of ease-of-use, access to and acceptance of 4IR technologies in Science teacher preparation In response to the book chapter contributions for the Springer book: “Digital Transformation for Sustainability- ICT-supported Environmental Socio-economic Development” Springer nature. Springer.
13. Anass Bayaga, P.P. Ndamase-Nzuzo and Michael J. Bossé (2022). Foundation Phase Learners’ Mathematical Errors Caused by Weaknesses in Reading and Ill-posed Problems. Alternation. 29,1: 178 – 201.
14. Tsamago, H., & Bayaga, A. (2022). Self-organized learning environments (SOLEs) pedagogy as a conduit to learners’ metacognitive skills and conceptual understanding of “S” in STEM: The South African study. European Journal of Science and Mathematics Education, 10(3), 1-23.
15. Bayaga, A. (2022). Using Data Science and Artificial Intelligence to Improve Teaching and Learning. Alternation, 39: 116 – 141 (2022)
16. Bayaga, A., & Nzuza, P. (2022). Examining Challenges Associated with Numerical Cognition in Early Years Challenges Associated with Numerical Cognition in Early Years. International Journal on Research in STEM Education, 4(1), 01–14.
17. Bayaga, A. (2022). Improving the cognition and integration of the M in STEM curricular units among pre-service teachers through phenomenological approach. African Perspectives of Research in Teaching & Learning, 5(1), 1-17
18. Bayaga, A. (2022). Bridging SoTL and Open Educational Resources/Practices (OER/P) Through Tagore’s Southern Theory in the Era of a Pandemic. Journal of Contemporary Issues in Education (JCIE), 17(2), 57-66.
19. Bayaga A. (2022) PLS-SEM modelling in information Systems. ICTAS 2022, March 9-10 Durban, South Africa ISBN: 978-1-6654-4019-6. IEEE
20. Bayaga, A., Lekena, L. L., Selepe, C., du Plessis, A., Blignaut, S., & Morar, T. (2022). Academic, social and economic experiences of first-year students: case study. South African Journal of Higher Education, 36(2), 8-24.
21. Bayaga, A. (2021). Faculty Views of Adaptive E-Learning in a South African University. In: Adeyemo, K.S. (eds) The Education Systems of Africa. Global Education Systems. Springer, Cham.
22. Bayaga A and Mtose X. (2021). Black Women Leadership Development in Higher Education Space: Identity & Complexity Trajectory. Journal of Negro Education, 90 (4), p.457-471,
23. Amevor, G., Bayaga, A., & Bossé, M. J. (2021). Assessing the Impact of Dynamic Software Environments (MATLAB) on Rural-Based Pre-Service Teachers’ Spatial-Visualisation Skills. Contemporary Educational Technology, 13(4), ep327.
24. Bayaga, A., X. Khalo, and G. Moyo. 2021. “Fundamental Influences Related to Language-Based Difficulties in Financial Mathematics”. South African Journal of Higher Education 35 (3), 29-44.
25. Bayaga A (2021). Examining the predictive relevance of security, privacy risk factors, and institutional logics for e-government service adaption. Electronic journal of information systems for developing countries, 1-19,
26. Anass Bayaga, Michael J. Bossé, John Sevier (2021). Conceptual Misunderstanding: On the Interplay of Understanding and Misunderstanding in Geometry. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 9(8), 1511 - 1520. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2021.090803.
27. Bayaga; Michael J. Bossé; John Sevier; Catherine Fountain; Derek Williams, Samuel Bosire; Sylvan Blignaut. (2021). University Faculty Opinions of Preservice Teachers’ Technological Readiness. Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics, and Technology Education, 1-21, DOI:10.1007/s42330-021-00138-6
28. Bayaga A., Bosse M. J., & Sevier J. (2021). Analogical Reasoning in Geometry Proofs. Journal of Elementary Education, 14(2), 149-170.
29. Amevor, G., Bayaga, A., & Bosse, M. J. (2021). Analysis of Rural-Based Pre-Service Teachers Spatial-Visualisation Skills in Problem Solving in Vector Calculus Using MATLAB. International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Learning (iJET), 16(10), pp. 125–149.
30. Mutambara, D., & Bayaga, A. (2021). Determinants of mobile learning acceptance for STEM education in rural areas. Computer & Education, 160, 104010.
31. Philile Nobuhle Mathaba , Anass Bayaga (2021). Analysis of Types, Sources of Errors and Misconceptions in South African Algebra Cognition. Universal Journal of Educational Research, 9(5), 928 - 937. DOI: 10.13189/ujer.2021.090505.
32. Dlamini, S.M., Bayaga, A. & Moyo, G., 2021, ‘Imperatives of situating teacher and higher education in the context of the Fourth Industrial Revolution’, in F. Maringe (ed.), Higher Education in the melting pot: Emerging discourses of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and decolonisation (Disruptions in Education Volume 1), pp. 29–41, AOSIS, Cape Town.
33. Anass Bayaga. PLS-SEM technique and phases of analysis – implications for information systems’ (IS) exploratory design researchers. ICTAS 2021 (2021 Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS). In print. Proceedings
34. Mutambara, D., & Bayaga, A. (2020). Predicting rural stem teachers’ acceptance of mobile learning in the fourth industrial revolution. Journal of Construction Project Management and Innovation, 10(2), 14–29.
35. Michael J. Bosse, Erica Slate Young, Anass Bayaga, Kathleen Lynch-Davis, Ashley DeMarte, Catherine Fountain. (2020). Cognitive Processes in Problem Solving in a Dynamic Mathematics Environment. international journal for mathematics teaching and learning, 21(2), 174-196
36. Bayaga, A. (2020). Cognitive enhancement via adaptive learning technology" the International Journal of Technology Enhanced Learning, 78-91
37. Mutambara, D. & Bayaga, A., 2020, ‘Rural-based Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics teachers’ and learners’ acceptance of mobile learning’, South African Journal of Information Management 22(1), a1200.
38. Matambura D & Bayaga A. (2020). Learners' and Teachers' Acceptance of Mobile Learning in South Africa via Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). International Journal of Learning Technology (IJLT) 16(2), 90 - 108DOI: 10.1504/IJLT.2021.117763
39. Mthethwa, Mthembeni, Bayaga, Anass, Bosse, Michael J., & Williams, Derek. (2020). GeoGebra for learning and teaching: A parallel investigation. South African Journal of Education, 40(2), 1-12.
40. Nzuza Ndamase & Bayaga Early Mathematics Learners’ Numerical Errors: Consequence of Poor Learners’ Comprehension and Teachers’ Instructions. Open Journal for Educational Research, 2021, 5(2), 275-288. ISSN (Online) 2560-5313
41. David Mutambara and Anass Bayaga (2020). Understanding Rural Parents’ Behavioural Intention to Allow their Children to Use Mobile Learning (m-Learning). I3E: Conference on e-Business, e-Services and e-Society Responsible Design, Implementation and Use of Information and Communication Technology. 19th IFIP WG 6.11 Conference on e-Business, e-Services, and e-Society, I3E 2020, Skukuza, South Africa, April 6–8, 2020, Proceedings, Part I. Editors. Marié HattinghMachdel MattheeHanlie SmutsIlias PappasYogesh K. DwivediMatti Mäntymäki. –
42. Bayaga A (2020). The Impact of Cybersecurity Threats on E-Government in Developing Countries: A Case of South Africa " for the proceedings of the Digital Skills Conference 2020 with the following ISBN:978-0-6399275-6-5
43. Bayaga A (2020). Implications and the need to include perceived ease of use, perceived risk and cultural values on citizens’ acceptance of e-government services. Proceedings of the Digital Skills Conference 2020 with the following ISBN:978-0-6399275-6-5
44. Bayaga, A. Ophoff, J & Kyobe M. (2020). Criticism of the role of trust in e-government services, The 2020 international Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS) (IEEE #47918), the 4th, Durban, South Africa, 11 and 12 March 2020
45. Bayaga A. (2020). Examining the Challenges of Integration and Interoperability of Security and Privacy Policy Framework for E-government Service: Case of South Africa" The 2020 international Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS) (IEEE #47918), the 4th, Durban, South Africa, 11 and 12 March 2020.
46. Bayaga A. (2020). Appropriate e-government service support and influences on end-users. ICTAS) (IEEE #47918), the 4th, is to be held in Durban, South Africa, 11 and 12 March 2020.The 2020 international Conference on Information Communications Technology and Society (ICTAS) (IEEE #47918), the 4th, Durban, South Africa, 11 and 12 March 2020.
47. Bayaga, A., Mthethwa, M. Z., Bossé, M. J., Fountain, C. A., & Sevier, J. (2019). The Impact of GeoGebra on Geometric Problems in Rural Schools. South African Journal of Higher Education, 33(6).
48. Kok, Petrus & Bayaga, Anass. (2019). Enhancing Graphic Communication and Design Student Teachers’ Spatial Visualisation Skills through 3D Solid Computer Modelling. African Journal of Research in Mathematics, Science and Technology Education. 23. 1-12. 10.1080/18117295.2019.1587249
49. Bosse, M. J., Bayaga, A., Fountain, C., Young, E. S., & DeMarte, A. (2019). Mathematics Learning Through the Lens of Language Acquisition. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 12(1), 103–113. Retrieved from
50. Bayaga, A & Ophoff, J. (2019). Determinants of E-Government Use in Developing Countries: The Influence of Privacy and Security Concerns. NextComp2019: Next Generation Computing Applications 2019 September 19-21, Mauritius: IEEE publication
51. MJ Bossé, A Bayaga, C Fountain, ES Young (2019). Mathematical Representational Code Switching. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 20 (1), 33-61, 2019
52. Bayaga A and Bosse M. (2018). Semantic and Syntactic Fraction Understanding, Semantic and Syntactic Fraction Understanding. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. IEJEE, 11(2), 139 -146, DOI: 10.26822/iejee.2019248587
53. Bosse M, Bayaga A, Catherine F, Kathleen LD, Kwaku Gyamfi. (2018). Fraction Learners: Assessing Understanding Through Language Acquisition. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education- IEJEE, 11(2), 115 -126, DOI: 10.26822/iejee.2019248585
54. Lekena, L.L., and A. Bayaga. (2018). Trend Analysis of First Year Student Experience in University. South African Journal of Higher Education 32 (2), 157-75.
55. S. R. Alghamdi and A. Bayaga, "Suitable LMS Content and Format for Training," 2018 21st Saudi Computer Society National Computer Conference (NCC), Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, 2018, pp. 1-7. doi: 10.1109/NCG.2018.8593176
56. MJ Bossé, M Ringler, A Bayaga, C Fountain, ES Young (2018). Acquiring math: Connecting math learning and second language acquisition. International Journal for Mathematics Teaching and Learning 19 (2), 223-252,
57. Charles Cobbinah and Bayaga A (2017). Physics Content and Pedagogical Changes: Ramification of Theory and Practice. EURASIA Journal of Mathematics Science and Technology Education. 13(6), 1633-1651,
58. Bayaga, A., Flowerday, S. and Cilliers, L. (2017), IT Risk and Chaos Theory: Effect on the performance of South African SMEs, the 21st World Multiconference on Systemic Cybernetics and Informatics (WMSCI 2017) in Florida, USA. July 8 - 11, 2017 – Orlando, Florida, USA.
59. SR Alghamdi, A Bayaga (2016). Use and attitude towards Learning Management Systems (LMS) in Saudi Arabian universities. Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Science & Technology Education, 2016, 12(9), 2309-2330.
60. Khalo X and Bayaga A (2015). Analysis of Errors Due to Deficient Mastery of Prerequisite Skills, Facts and Concepts: The Case of Financial Mathematics. The Independent Journal of Teaching and Learning, 10, pp 98-113.
61. Anass Bayaga, Newman Wadesango & Ongayi Vongai Wadesango (2015) Impact of teachers’ beliefs on mathematics education, Africa Education Review, 12:2, 280-293, DOI: 10.1080/18146627.2015.1108008 Published/Accepted 2015
62. Bayaga A, Tarwireyi P, Adu E (2015). Understanding the Value of Evaluating ICT Models to Improve Medium and Small Enterprises: In e-Infrastructure and e-Services for Developing Countries. (147); pp293-301. ISBN: 978-3-319-16885-2. Online ISBN: 978-3-319-16886-9. Springer International Publishing.
63. Bayaga Anass & Adu Emmanuel O., 2014. ICT evaluation models and performance of medium and small enterprises. Journal for Perspectives of Economic Political and Social Integration, 20(1), 9-24,
64. Moyo, George, Khewu, Noncedo PD, & Bayaga, Anass. (2014). Disciplinary practices in schools and principles of alternatives to corporal punishment strategies. South African Journal of Education, 34(1), 1-14. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from
65. Khalo X and Bayaga A (2014). The Underlying Factors Related to The Errors Due to Incorrect Association or Rigidity of Thinking: Case of Financial Mathematics. The Journal for Transdisciplinary Research in Southern Africa, 10(3), pp. 340-354. DOI:
66. Siboniso C. Makhaye, Tarwireyi P, Adigun MO and Bayaga A (2014). Designing Dynamic Federated Identity Management Framework for Reduction of Management Overhead in Cloud Computing. International Conference on Information Technology and Applications (ICITA) IEEE, (conference proceedings). Hilton Hotel, Sydney, Australia, 1 – 4 July. ISBN number 978-0-9803267-6-5 – Australia
67. Khalo X and Bayaga A (2014). The Underlying Reason Why Learners Commit Errors in Mathematical Literacy: Financial mathematics. 2014 SAERA conference. UKZN. ISBN 9780190400668- South Africa
68. Bayaga A & SV Flowerday. (2014). Evaluating IT Models and Performance: Case of SMEs. Contemporary Management in Theory and Practice. Proceedings of the 26th annual SAIMS conference contemporary management in theory and practice proceedings of the 26th annual SAIMS conference. 14 – 17 September 2014 Riverside Sun Resort - ISBN: 9780869707845 - South Africa
69. Bayaga, Anass, & Wadesango, Newman. (2013). Assessment - enabling participation in academic discourse and the implications. South African Journal of Education, 33(3), 00. Retrieved November 15, 2022, from
70. Bayaga A and Flowerday S (2013). ICT Operational Risk Management (ORM) and Performances of a Financial SME. Pakistan Development Review (PDR), 52(2). 127-138
71. Bayaga A, Flowerday S and Cilliers L (2013) – Valuing Information Technology (IT) and Operational Risk Management. ICT4Africa 2013 submission Web page. Zimbabwe
72. Amongst Postgraduate Education Research in South Africa- A Survey of Three South African Universities. Page 77-93. The state of play in educational research in South Africa: Practices and perspectives. Conference proceedings of the South Africa Education Research Association, Klein Kariba. 28-30 January 2013. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISNB 978019 5996609 - South Africa
73. Bayaga A and Flowerday S (2012). Principal causes of Information Communication Technology (ICT) Risk failure in an SME. ASE International Conference on Social Informatics (SocialInformatics 2012) / 2012 ASE International Conference on Cyber Security (CyberSecurity 2012) / 2012 ASE International Conference on BioMedical Computing. Washington, US. ISBN 978-0-7695-4938-5 IEEE- Washington, US
74. Lekena LL and Bayaga (2012). Contextual Dimension of Knowledge Generation in Educational Research: Case of South Africa Universities. Page 94-109. The State of Play in Educational Research in South Africa: Practices and Perspectives. Conference proceedings of the South Africa Education Research Association, Klein Kariba. 28-30 January 2013. Cape Town: Oxford University Press. ISNB 978019 5996609 - South Africa
75. Paul T, Flowerday S and Bayaga A (2011). Information Security. Information Systems South Africa (ISSA) 2011 Conference: ISSA 2011, Proceedings published by the IEEE Online. ISBN 9781457714818. South Africa
76. Bayaga A, Mtose X and Quan- Baffour KP (2010). Social Influences on the Studying of Mathematics by Black South African Learners. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 3, 43- 56 (ISSN 1822-7864)
77. Bayaga, A. 2010. Statistics & Probability Education in South Africa: Constraints of Learning. Problems of Education in the 21st Century, 25-30.
78. Bayaga, A. and Flowerday, S. (2010). A Conceptual Operational Risk Model for SMEs: Impact on Organisational Information Technology. Information Systems South Africa (ISSA) 2010 Conference: ISSA 2010, Proceedings published by the IEEE Online Print ISBN: 978-1-4244-5493-8 South Africa
79. Michael J. Bosse, Anass Bayaga, Kathleen Lynch-Davis, Ashley DeMarte: "Assessing Analytic Geometry Understanding: Van Hiele, SOLO, and Beyond" the International Journal for Mathematics Teaching.
80. Bayaga A (2010). Multinomial logistic regression: usage and application in risk analysis. Journal of applied quantitative methods 5 (2), 2010
81. Quan-Baffour, KP and Bayaga A (2009). The ‘African’ Curriculum: Its Content and Relevance to Africa’s Regeneration. Curriculum Issues in Higher Education. pp 61-69. ISBN 9781868885732
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