Prof du Plessis’s focus is on Intermediate Phase mathematics and ICT in education. He is involved with local ICT projects through the Herman Olthaver Trust. Teaching experience wise, he has been a primary school teacher and Head of Department for fourteen years teaching Mathematics and also taught internationally at tertiary level in the United Kingdom and Slovenia since 2018. He has also various articles in academic journals and a few chapters in books are to be published soon.
ICT in education
Special Prestigious Research Awards
Faculty of Education: Emerging Researcher of the Year (2012) [Field of Research: ICT in Education]
Research Leadership, Positions & Committees
Initiator of Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC) in 2012: Blind Peer-Reviewed Academic Journal [Initiating and establishing research publication platform]
Web designer and maintaining Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC) online
Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC)
Initiator of the NMMU journal: Educational Research for Social Change (ERSC)
Plenary invited speaker
Du Plessis, A. (2020). An exploration of students’ perceptions and experiences of school-based mentoring to inform faculties’ mentoring and mentee thinking. Keynote presentation at the Colchester Institute in the Department of Education, affiliated to the University of Essex in January 2020.
Du Plessis, A. (2018). Student generated cellphilms as a tool to ‘learn with’ with a view to promote students’ learning and assessment experiences in the ‘Education as Thinking’ module: Possibilities and Challenges. . Keynote presentation at the 2nd Symposium SOLT Programme 2018, Improving Learning and Teaching through Scholarship of Learning and Teaching, 27 to 28 November 2018, Walter Sisulu University.
Publications in books or book chapters
Du Plessis, A. & Subramanien, B. (2021a accepted). Teacher usage of one-laptop in a multigrade context as part of a digital ICT Intel® Teach Training Programme initiative by the Department of Basic Education. Springer.
Du Plessis, A. & Subramanien, B. (2021b accepted). The one laptop initiative: Challenges that multigrade teachers experience in the Uitenhage District in the Eastern Cape. Springer.
Du Plessis, A. and Blignaut, S. (2020). Offline - Online Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Teaching and Learning Strategy in the Age of COVID-19 and Beyond. In N. Ndimande-Hlongwa, L. Ramrathan, N. Mkhize, and J.A. Smit, Technology-based Teaching and Learning in Higher Education during the Time of COVID-1 (pp. 92-119). Alternation African Scholarship Book Series, Volume #02. Durban: CSSALL Publishers (Pty) Ltd. DOI number:
Du Plessis, A. (2017). e-Learning: Forward, Upwards, Downwards, Sideways, Backwards & Reimagine - Utilising a layered theoretical approach as mapping tool for innovation preparation, implementation and reflection. Presentation at the SAERA Conference, hosted by the Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, 23-26 October 2017.
Du Plessis, A. (2017). Teacher usage of the one-laptop in the multigrade context: The case of the Intel© Teach Training Programme. Presentation at the SAERA Conference, hosted by the Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, 23-26 October 2017.
De Lange, N., Cherrington, A., Du Plessis, A., Scheckle, E. & Khau, M. (2017). How to "engage" (or not): Deepening our understanding of university-school community engagement. Presentation at the SAERA Conference, hosted by the Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, 23-26 October 2017.
Current research projects
Students’ behavioural intention to utilise a Learning Management System (LMS) such as MS Teams and/or Moodle [2020 onwards]
University lecturers’ behavioural intention to utilise a Learning Management System (LMS) such as MS Teams and/or Moodle [2020 onwards]
Teachers’ behavioural intention to utilise a Learning Management System (LMS) such as MS Teams and/or Moodle [2020 onwards]
You can find his full online profolio here:
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